Better Life Television Station Receives Maranatha Remodel Better Life Television (KBLN), an Adventist local cable station in southern Oregon, recently received a much-needed expansion to its facilities through Maranatha Volunteers International.From March 16–30, a team of 19 Maranatha volunteers converte... Read more
Churches Campaign to Get 3ABN on Comcast Cable Since Memorial Day weekend last year when we attended camp meeting at the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) headquarters in southern Illinois, the Lord has continued to impress me to promote a campaign to get the 3ABN included in the networ... Read more
God's Lost-and-found Plan Elden Leroy, a Newport Church deacon, had lost his full set of church keys and couldn't find them.Riding his bike home from the store one September day, 11-year-old Daryen Ackerman passed the front doors of the Newport Adventist Church. He noticed... Read more
Cave Junction Man Discovers Revelation Speaks Hope Revelation Speaks Hope with Steve Cook, Oregon Conference evangelist, brought a certain ring of hope into the life of a Cave Junction diamond in the rough, John Bazen.Watching Better Life Television, beamed from Eight Dollar Mountain near Cave Jun... Read more
Youth Festival 2005 "A Different Story" The excitement was contagious as more than 1,000 young people converged at the New Hope Community Church in Clackamas for Youth Festival 2005.Bernie Anderson, Salt Lake City Wasatch Hills Adventist Church pastor, presented the main messages. Full ... Read more
Forestry Builds Faith at Milo Recognizing the members of Rod Bardell's forestry class at Milo Academy is easy. They’re the ones wearing the orange hard hats and the beaming smiles. They enthusiastically explain their projects to all who will listen.The class became a reality w... Read more
Medford Missions Medford Church members were blessed by a special Sabbath emphasizing global evangelism.Ron Watts, Southern Asian Division president, gave a stirring message during the church service, and Don Noble, Maranatha Volunteers International president, sp... Read more
Carlos Alvarez Is Baptized Amid smiles and tears of joy, Carlos Alvarez was baptized by Pat Milligan, Hood River Church pastor, making April 9 a very special Sabbath for his friends and relatives in the Hood River (Ore.) Church. Many prayers had been offered and answered fo... Read more
Milo Student Journeys from Korea to Jesus When Mark Oh left Seoul, South Korea, to attend school in the United States, he thought he was embarking on an academic journey. But this trip led him all the way to his heavenly home.Oh’s hosts were the Duncans, residents of Medford, Ore. “Out of... Read more