Fall Creek Centennial A centennial celebration was held at the former Unity Methodist Church in Fall Creek, Ore. The joint service was attended by more than 130 Methodists, Seventh-day Adventists and friends on Saturday, May 7. Many former members traveled from distant... Read more
Yellow House Float Enters in Estacada 4th of July Parade On the morning of July 4, two years of planning, dreaming and just wishful thinking finally became reality.The crew from the Yellow House, which houses Estacada Adventist Community Services, started early in the morning to put the finishing touche... Read more
Canyonville Womens Ministries Hosts Community Women Canyonville Women’s Ministries Hosts Community Women Read more
Are You In? For more than 100 years, Adventists have accepted, adopted, and promoted healthful living as a lifestyle, and today the world recognizes us as a valuable resource.Adventists are a unique group for health research because we are similar in many cha... Read more
Unusual Situation Brings Rejoicing to Sweet Home and Lebanon Churches On Sabbath, July 9, a rare event occurred at the Sweet Home Church: a young pastor was installed in his first district after serving as interim pastor there for six months. “You don’t often see this,” said Randy Robinson, Oregon Conference vice pr... Read more
We Are the Pathfinders Strong I came to church one Pathfinder Sabbath and noticed a deacon looking at my green uniform with red, gold, white, and blue patches; multicolored award ribbons; and honor patches with honors of practically every color of the rainbow. I laughed and to... Read more
Juniors Take Sabbath School to Shut-ins The Albany (Ore.) Church junior class brings Sabbath School to members who are unable to attend church. They do this the third Sabbath of every month. They go to the members' homes, the hospital or to nursing homes.They introduce themselves and as... Read more
Planting Seeds of Kindness Tangent, Ore., residents look forward to May Day when Central Valley Christian School children make their annual pilgrimage of love to their 400–500 neighbors. The outreach has been expanding for more than 10 years. Local nurseries donate potted p... Read more