Oregon Youth Challenge 2005

A drip of sweat falls slowly down my brow and splashes onto my hands, tightly gripping five books, 17 magazines, a pad of community programs, and a Happiness Digest. I take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, walk up the last step, and knock on the door. After moving and hours of intense training, which culminated with an anointing ceremony, my eight weeks of incredible literature evangelism work begins. It's my second summer with Oregon Youth Challenge.

Awesome things happened. I prayed with families who received news of a death minutes before I arrived at their door step; walked up a long cemetery road to find a little house with a lonely lady who needed a hug; gave a Steps to Christ to a couple of teenagers playing drums in their garage; was asked by a little girl why Jesus died for us; got to pray with a brother in Christ for the first time in his life; laughed with strangers; was yelled at, then given ice cream by the same lady; and was told by someone that I reflected Christ's presence. All this was made possible by my loving Heavenly Father.

I was one of 12 young people and four team leaders who answered the call to canvass for the Lord through Oregon Youth Challenge. From June 23 through Aug. 10, this consecrated group of young people knocked on more than 35,000 doors, prayed with more than 2,000 people, and put more than $31,000 worth of books in homes in the Troutdale, Gresham, Glendoveer and Amboy areas. As a result of these contacts, Columbia Gorge now has seven Bible studies started with more ready to begin.

If you would like to see what God can accomplish through dedicated young people, I challenge you to have Oregon Youth Challenge come to your area and work. Miracles and blessings are sure to follow.

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Featured in: November 2005