Versacare Foundation Opens Year-Round Grant Application Process

The Versafund K–12 grant program is now open year-round to NAD and IAD primary, middle and secondary schools. Applications received Jan. 1 through June 30, 2025 are eligible for funding in September, and applications received July 1 through Dec. 31, 2025 are eligible for funding in March 2026.

Since launching the K–12 grant program in 2016, Versacare Foundation has awarded 926 grants to NAD and IAD schools totaling $4,383,000.


  • Applicant must be a Seventh-day Adventist Conference- or congregation-sponsored K–10, K–12 or primary, middle or high school.
  • Funding is limited to the geographic regions of North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
  • Schools are eligible for funding once every three years.
  • Schools with three classrooms or less are eligible for up to $5,000, and schools with four or more classrooms are eligible for up to $10,000.
  • STEM and STEAM requests require a board-approved technology plan submitted with the application. All other requests require a board-signed letter of approval.

Project Exclusions

  • Capital improvements, including new construction and renovations (does not apply to equipment for instructional use)
  • School or church-sponsored mission trips
  • Debt reduction
  • Payroll and salaries
  • Purchase of perishables and consumables
  • Scholarships
  • Sub-granting or regranting of Versacare Foundation funds
  • Tablets, Chromebooks, laptops, computers and related hardware or software for non-classroom use (e.g., for admin office; use at home by teachers; etc.)

To apply for a grant, please visit For more information about the K–12 grant program, contact Lisa Corrales at 951-343-5800 or

Versacare Foundation is an independent private foundation which funds grants for programs and projects that are consistent with its mission and with the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A self-funded lay organization, it is comprised of both lay Adventists and present and former Adventist Church employees.

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