A family living in Orofino, Idaho, had endured years of housing insecurity, moving from one unstable living situation to another. Things started looking up for the family when someone sold them a 50-year-old mobile home at a price they could afford.
Though the structure had potential, it was in dire need of repairs. The roof was leaking, the siding was compromised, the sub-flooring was rotten and the kitchen was outdated and barely functional. Despite their hardships, Buddy, the father, was determined to make it work for his family.
However, the family quickly realized they couldn't handle these repairs alone. That’s when Orofino Adventist Christian School stepped in, inspired by the Serve One More initiative and supported by the local Adventist church family.
The school, with the assistance of Serve One More funding, began to transform the family’s home. The project included fixing the roof, replacing the siding, installing new sub-flooring underneath fresh floorboards, refurnishing the kitchen cabinets and installing a wood stove complete with a year’s supply of firewood.
The atmosphere on the first day of work was nothing short of festive. Volunteers from the school and church community swarmed the house, working together as a united team. Laughter and encouragement filled the air, as people of all ages pitched in — some working on the roof, others tearing out old flooring and a few in the kitchen prepping cabinets to be refinished at the school. For the first time in years, the family could feel the weight of their struggles lifting, replaced by hope and the excitement of a fresh start.
Maeby, one of three girls in the family, could hardly contain her joy. “We haven’t had a house for quite some time,” she said, her voice full of gratitude. “I’m just super excited to have it fixed up so we can have a place to live.”
Buddy stood nearby as the renovation progressed, overwhelmed with emotion. “I’m blessed to have this,” he said. “I can’t even tell you what it means to me because I never thought it would happen.”
As the project continues to unfold, the family is not only being given a newly renovated home, but also a renewed sense of security and belonging. The efforts of OACS and the surrounding faith community have not only fixed a house, but also changed lives forever.
For more information on the Serve One More initiative and how lives are being changed in Upper Columbia Conference, see uccsda.org/serveonemore.

Extensive repairs to the floors, siding and roof are made to keep the house warm just in time for winter.
Credit: Richie Brower

Volunteers work to replace old and rotten pieces of flooring with fresh, sturdy floors.
Credit: Richie Brower