Offers Curated Evangelism Resources

Pacific Press and have launched a dedicated resource page to support the Pentecost 2025 evangelism initiative. Available at, this curated collection offers essential tools, training materials and evangelistic guides to help members and churches maximize their Pentecost 2025 evangelism efforts.

In Acts 2, Pentecost marked the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide His disciples. On that day, the church multiplied in number from 120 to 3,000 believers. This historic event serves as a powerful reminder today of the call to engage in mission and evangelism. Believers — members and leaders alike — play a pivotal role in mobilizing for evangelism.

North America’s Pentecost 2025 goal is to hold at least 3,000 proclamation initiatives to teach Christ-centered, biblical truths and to invite people to accept Jesus as their Savior. This year, 2024, is designated as a year of “preparing for Pentecost.” Those eager for the Lord’s promised return take to heart the words of Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

Pentecost 2025 is for all Adventist churches across North American Division. Every member, pastor, teacher, young adult, student and child is encouraged to participate. The resources available at are designed to inspire, equip and empower believers to share the gospel effectively and to lead impactful proclamation initiatives throughout the division.

Visit the website to explore how these resources can enhance all Pentecost 2025 evangelism efforts.

For more information, visit

