Image Credit: Gary McLain

Oregon Camp Meeting 2024 Suspended

As conference administration and executive committee continue to work diligently under God’s leadership to restore Oregon Conference to sound financial footing, several difficult decisions continue to be considered. A guiding principle is that no significantly costly expenses — no matter how longstanding and beloved — can be completely off limits as the leadership team conducts a cost-benefit analysis.

In that vein, on April 18, 2024, Oregon Conference executive committee, with prayerful consideration, made the difficult decision to suspend Spanish and English camp meetings at Gladstone for 2024, with plans to fully reinstate this Spirit-filled event for 2025. As one can likely guess, camp meeting is one of the most expensive line items in the Oregon Conference budget every year. Producing it this year would've required the conference to borrow nearly $400,000. As important as camp meeting is to all of us, taking on that much debt as we work to bring our budget back into balance just couldn’t be justified.

Our hearts ache with yours at missing out on the spiritual and social fellowship of camp meeting this year, but we strongly believe God is calling us to take this step in 2024.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers as the work continues to achieve a balanced budget in the coming months.

Featured in: July/August 2024

