Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

God's Errands

I often live out my life through mental narratives about what’s likely to happen next. Yet, life doesn’t have a perfect playbook.

When recently I parked my car and stepped out to start my workday, I realized three things very quickly: 1. I uncharacteristically forgot my computer bag; 2. There was a hissing sound coming from my car; and 3. My day was taking a very different turn.

God had a surprise in store for me for His heavenly playbook for my life.

I soon found a protruding object in my car’s back tire that I likely picked up from an accidentally discovered pothole.

With a quick call of confirmation back home, I mapped out and then carefully drove to the nearest tire shop where technicians assessed the situation and promised to take care of it.

With unexpected time on my hands, I settled in the waiting room with a copy of A Way Forward, by Caleb Foss where I learned more about the art of being interested versus interesting.

This approach to thinking and living is about understanding your identity in Christ first, and then showing increased interest in other people’s lives. It truly does make life more interesting!

After a productive morning of waiting, I headed to lunch where I noticed an older man approach the car parked next to mine. I instantly recognized the university name emblazoned on his sweatshirt.

As a fellow master’s graduate, I had to say something and stepped out of my car to greet him. I soon learned his name is Scotty and we had a great conversation in the parking lot that quickly turned to faith and common connections between our faith traditions and our lived experiences.

“Those of us who believe in Jesus need to stick together,” Scotty proclaimed. “Signs of the end are all around and Bible prophecy is evident. We need each other.”

Sometimes I hear people say how hard it is to share their faith or make new friends. Sometimes I have thoughts like this, too. My mental narrative tells me I’m not enough in some way, shape or form.

However, I keep finding experiences where God is orchestrating various interactions where a simple curiosity, kindness or willingness to be interested turns into a divine appointment. God just asks me to be willing to go on His errands, and He takes care of the rest.

These encounters remind me God works through the seemingly mundane aspects of life to connect us with others in profound ways. Sometimes our world is right in front of us, waiting for us to show up; to not shirk our word, calling or responsibilities; to make a difference in someone’s life for a moment or for eternity; to cultivate joy, peace and grace on the journey toward heaven. That’s the best playbook for life!

Table Talk Prompt

What divine appointments has God set up for you recently? How do divine appointments in your life recalibrate your spiritual walk and your relationship with others?

Featured in: May/June 2024

