In a world of learning and service, students at Three Sisters Adventist Christian School are embracing the theme of the year: "Anywhere With Jesus." Anchored in their school Bible text from Deut. 31:8, the students are reminded that "The Lord Himself will go before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you or forget you. Don't be afraid and don't worry."
The resonating theme song, "Anywhere With Jesus," sets the tone for a unique educational journey where students explore different cultures and countries.
Encouraging a spirit of service, the students recently undertook a special project with a Christmas shoebox collection. This initiative allowed the kids to embody Jesus' hands and feet as they assembled shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene products, school supplies and special items.
These Christmas shoeboxes, destined for children in need of joy and hope, are delivered worldwide through Operation Christmas Child, a program by Samaritan's Purse. The students' heartfelt contributions reached far and wide, making a positive impact on the lives of children globally.
In the spirit of celebrating Jesus' birth, grades preK–8 presented a Christmas program featuring songs from different countries. Following the program, an offering was collected for Adventist Development Relief Agency. Remarkably, more than $800 was raised, allowing students to select special projects aimed at helping children around the world.
Each class found a meaningful way to celebrate the true essence of Christmas by choosing items from ADRA's gift catalog. These selections ranged from providing food and medical care for orphans to offering goats and chickens for families in need. It was a heartwarming and impactful way for students to honor Jesus — the greatest gift of all.
The Three Sisters Adventist Christian School community came together, not only to enrich their own education but also to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others around the world. "Anywhere With Jesus" has become more than a theme; it's a call to compassionate action and a testament to the school's commitment to service and global outreach.

In the spirit of celebrating Jesus' birth, grades PreK-8 presented a Christmas program featuring songs from different countries.