After spending weeks planning and preparing, Danya Nicketa-Kiljoha, Brianna Lawrence and Teresa Jensen led a Vacation Bible School program for 30 kids ages 5–13 in Togiak, Alaska, on Sept. 28–30, 2023.
The weekend consisted of four VBS sessions, a church service and a community potluck. From the onset, the group faced challenges. Even though things didn’t turn out quite as expected, God provided every step of the way.
Weather and mechanical issues caused Nicketa-Kiljoha, Lawrence and Jensen to arrive late on Friday. They had no time to unpack their supplies so they shared the story of how God ensured their safe arrival. The parents and children who attended the Friday evening session quickly shared the story with others in the village. That night, the leaders praised God for His provision and opportunity to witness.
As the team prepared for Sabbath, the leaders were unsure of what to expect. Although the second session was scheduled for 10 a.m., most of the children were not expected to wake up before noon on weekends. Much to the leaders' surprise and excitement, attendance nearly doubled from the previous night by 10:15 a.m.
With some challenging kids in attendance, the leaders were able to adapt planned activities to better engage them. The team presented two sessions of VBS, a Sabbath School program, two potlucks and a reception for the kids and their parents on Saturday night. Despite the exhaustion, they were able to reach out to these families in love, thanks to God's providence and strength.
Truly, the weekend was an unbelievable experience. The group arrived home tired yet knowing that God’s hand guided them throughout the entire trip.
Along with the seeds planted to reach the families of Togiak, God taught the program coordinators that He is all-powerful and all-knowing. No matter the challenges in life, God loves us all. There are miracles all around us, we just need to listen and trust Him.
Thanks to Arctic Mission Adventure for helping fund the weekend and make a difference in the village Togiak. Truth be told, it made a greater difference in the lives of those who led out.

Approaching the village of Togiak, Alaska.

Danya Nicketa-Kiljoha leads the kids in a group activity.

The VBS team's ride from Dillingham to Togiak.

Brianna Lawrence has a front row view on the flight to Togiak.

L-R Teresa Jensen, Todd Parker and Brianna Lawrence lead a VBS session.