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Some people enjoy experiencing new things, trying new things. They'll often venture around the world to experience new things and see new places. Others eat at new restaurants to experience something new. But even those with an adventuresome spirit have real likes and dislikes.

One of the areas where people have very specific likes and dislikes is taste. What we like in food and drinks varies massively from one person to another. One person can love the taste of an avocado and another feel nauseous even thinking of one. Another can love mango and another hate it. Someone can find something super spicy while another find it mild. 

We often talk of the importance of experiencing God in a practical way. Pastors talk of immersing one's self in a Bible story so we can experience what the writer is talking about. People long to experience God in a tangible way. One way we can do that is to experience God through our senses. He created us with senses; taste, touch, sight and hearing. I believe He wants us to use them to get to know Him better.

Over the next few months I will explore these senses and how we can use them to experience God more fully. This month, I want to focus on our sense of taste.

The Bible speaks of the importance of tasting God. David writes,

Psalm 34:8 says, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"

Biblical scholars and commentators explain that this concept of Taste is like a taste test. Test and see that God is good. Try Him. Try God like you would try food, and see if He doesn’t taste delicious. God invites us to test Him, to take refuge in Him and see if our lives aren’t better. When we trust in God we are given the chance to see if we can live a life that is transformed by Him and see whether He can help us through this crazy life. What God promises is that He will journey with us and give us peace as we endure this life. We are never told we won’t have troubles and tribulation but we are promised that He will be with us every step of the way.

David writes later of how wonderful God tastes to us.

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103)

God and His words of life are sweeter than honey. Not because God gives us everything we always want right away or because somehow we avoid danger because we are following God but because when we are with God and follow His words of life we are given peace. We are given something that is greater and better than honey or anything this world can offer us.

Trusting in God is like biting into a delicious, bright colored piece of fruit that drips sweet, mouthwatering flavor. We have a choice to make, to be in a relationship that is living and vibrant and delicious, or to miss out on this amazing flavorful experience. 

 Will you taste and see that the Lord is good?!

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