Colville Kitchen Continues Feeding the Hungry

The Covid-19 pandemic did not shut down the Colvillle church outreach activities. The free weekly meals and a clothing bank continued on to bless so many.

Colville's weekly meals fed up to one hundred people per week. Pandemic protocol meant hot meals couldn't be served indoors, so the service shifted to making and distributing fifty sack lunches per week. People came each Tuesday for a pre-packaged meal, while meals were also taken to people who could not come each week. Careful precautions were always in place to protect the community and volunteers.

With restrictions easing, Colville's doors are open again each week for hungry people to enjoy a hot meal. About twenty-five people are currently eating their lunches at the church facilities while others take their food in “to go” containers. Church volunteers also taking meals to the warming shelter and to those in need.    

With Colville's Community Services closed for two months, the break provided time to reorganize the clothing bank which was able to reopened in June 2021. Carefully sorted clothes, shoes, boots, caps and many other items provide people with needed clothes. Home goods like bedding, towels, dishes and many other kitchen items are also made available. Between July and December 2021, 1,236 clothes or home goods benefited people in the community.

Dedicated volunteers make these blessings possible. The volunteer cooks include Karen Zimmerman, Kathy Melendy, Bonnie Teioite, Susan Thompson, Emma Van Komen Shae Dalrrymple and Don Jackson. Those volunteering at the clothing bank are Tricia Keiss, Patricia McClintock, Joni Cockerham, Joyce Dalton, Bonnie Moyer and Marilyn Morgan. 

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