Image Credit: David Morgan

100 Students Accept the Gift of Jesus

The week before Christmas break at Buena Vista School is usually filled with nervousness as children prepare for the annual Christmas program. Practicing music, reciting cute story lines, and dressing up in costumes all point to the birth of Jesus Christ.

But with Covid flourishing in the Auburn, WA community, Buena Vista School leaders didn’t feel it was prudent to try to have a Christmas program.

Instead, an extra student-led week of prayer closed out 2021 with a theme “Mission: Possible.”

“Typically, a Christmas program celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Yet, that’s not the best part of the gift God had in store for us,” Dave Morgan, BV principal said. “This week was a week to focus on the ultimate gift of Christmas, a Savior!”

Enlisting the help of Pastors Willie Iwankiw and Khai Khai Cin, eighth grade class officers were coached on the story each of them would tell during the week of prayer.

Featured speakers included Ethan Jean-Baptiste, class president; Philip Bezverkhyy, class pastor; Samantha Paredes, class secretary; and class members Abby Clark and Jin Park.

Each day's story featured illustrations that created a visual impact and left students eagerly anticipating the story.

After praise and worship time led by either the eighth grade or fifth grade class, students were reminded of the theme of “Mission: Possible,” and that through the gift of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, each student is assured of eternal life.

On the final day, Morgan shared a story which was followed by a call from Pastor Ofa Langi challenging students to accept the precious gift of Jesus. More than 100 students came forward, and Pastors Michael Morss, Robin Song, Iwankiw, Cin and Rome Ulia from constituent churches prayed a special prayer of dedication over the students.

The pastors then went classroom to classroom for a deeper discussion with the fifth–eighth grade classes, encouraging students to consider baptismal classes.

“What a wonderful thing it is to see students training for leadership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!” Morgan said. “Buena Vista SDA School is truly, distinctly academic and decidedly Christian!”

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Featured in: March/April 2022

