Blessing Bottles

Sometimes a problem is so big, it's hard to know what you can do to help. Homelessness is one of those big complicated problems. But just because it's hard to understand doesn't mean there isn't anything you can do. There is something you can do to show Jesus' love to the homeless people you encounter.

Put several of these blessing bottles together with your family or Sabbath School class and then hand them out to people in need. You can also give them to your parents and church members to keep in the car and hand to people soliciting at stoplights.

Get some wide-mouthed reusable water bottles. Fill them with helpful items (many of which can be found at a dollar store) such as:

  • A pair of socks — because when you can't do laundry, clean socks are highly prized;
  • Personal hygiene items like hand wipes, toothbrush/paste, adhesive bandages, lip balm and lotion;
  • Gift card for fast food or a grocery store;
  • Resource card listing nearby shelters and other social services.

And last, but not least, add either a note of encouragement inside the bottle or a label on the bottle that says something like … "You matter! Here are a few things to brighten your day and to let you know you matter to God."

For a fun activity, enjoy this coloring page.

Color Page

Featured in: May/June 2021



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