Image Credit: Upper Columbia Conference

Upper Columbia President Hosts New Radio Series

Minner Labrador Jr., Upper Columbia Conference president, recently launched a new radio series, Live by Faith. Each week Labrador shares a short message of hope and renewal by focusing on topics such as being a blessing and a role model, dealing with loss, and how to be a successful Christian. The segments usually run about a minute and a half. 

“With this series,” says Labrador, “we are able to speak directly to people in Spokane and the surrounding communities. These are important messages for our time to help those in need prepare for His soon return.”

The series has recently been picked up for rebroadcast by LifeTalk Radio nationwide. It is recorded in the Shine 104.9 FM studio and reaches the Spokane, Washington, and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, regions. 

To listen to the podcast series, you can turn your radio to 104.9 FM in the Spokane area or 94.9 FM in Coeur d’Alene. You can also listen to Live by Faith online at

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Featured in: May/June 2021
