Image Credit: Brenda Payne

Beaverton Members Mentor Intentionally

Members of Oregon's Beaverton Church are constantly looking for mentorship opportunities for our young people. If a middle or high school age church member expresses a desire to serve the Lord in a particular capacity, chances are someone will develop a mentor partnership to make it happen. Hands-on training and encouragement have resulted in young people within our church taking full responsibility for their rotating scheduled task or activity.

For instance a junior high and high school praise team takes a weekly rotation for church services. Adult musicians have partnered with them to develop their musical talents into praise to God in a professional way. Young pianists play during the offering and other times during church.

Similarly teens have been trained to run the sound board, slideshows and livestreams during church. Some of these teens now have the skills to take full responsibility during special programs. One high school student serves on the platform coordinator team to provide hospitality for guest speakers and musicians, as well as coordinate the sound booth with platform activities and personnel.

Teens who assisted with Vacation Bible School last year led some of the activities this year, with guidance from mentors. Older Pathfinders are regularly mentoring kids in Adventurers. 

As Jesus becomes real to young people through various class and outreach opportunities, they naturally want to serve the Lord and express their relationship with Him in ways that speak to their personal interests and emerging spiritual gifts. Thanks to the care of patient adult mentors, youth more naturally consider what roles they might want to be part of, both before and after their own baptism.

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Featured in: March/April 2020
