Clarkston VBS Offers Lessons From Daniel

Vacation Bible School 2019 in Clarkston, Wash., was host to 53 attendees with 51 helpers, including 40 in costumes. Our backdrop was Babylon, and the costumes were Hebrew and Babylonian. There was nearly 100% participation from our congregation. Nearly all were in costume, and we had prayer warriors on site and in homes praying before, during and after VBS.

We chose to take on a large project despite our small size, so we started many months early on the props. This is our first VBS that invited the entire family to be present for it. Little babies to grandma and grandpa were able to sing, pray, do crafts and see Daniel’s story depicted.

As much as possible, everything was as true to Babylonian culture in Daniel’s time with a real “gong” for timekeeping and a palace zoo with live animals. The marketplace included five different market vendors where attendees could make musical instruments. There were live hanging gardens, astronomy globes, metal work projects, weaving and food court. Patio tables with umbrellas were outside for people to enjoy the food. Character-building skits daily interrupted the marketplace commerce.

This VBS demonstrated to our community our church's love and commitment to children.

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Featured in: November/December 2019
