Image Credit: Thurman Petty

Trout Creek Church Sponsors Annual Harvest Party

The Trout Creek (Mont.) Church annual harvest party was held Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21, 2018, at Ray Langford’s ranch. The community was invited to give church members an opportunity to get to know their neighbors and learn how we can meet their needs. More than 100 attended from the surrounding area, some from as far away as 80 miles.

Guests enjoyed hot apple cider from the blueberry farm and a large campfire for roasting corn. The children scampered around and climbed on large hay bales. The group sang songs, and Jeremy Craik told a story about his mother catching a really big fish when he was a boy.

After supper activities included a “Moses in the Wilderness” adventure trail. The trail featured activities that taught about the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites. The evening closed with a festive hayride.

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Featured in: January/February 2019
