Time Alone with God

Hayden Lake (Idaho) Church was abundantly blessed to host a series by Daniel Gabbert, who delivered a five-day, 13-hour series during Sept. 8–12, 2018. In this series, Gabbert focused on the vital importance of prioritizing quality time with God and deepening our daily walk with Him. Gabbert, a mental and spiritual health coach at Black Hills Lifestyle Medical Center in South Dakota, used his testimony of being called from living a wild and self-focused lifestyle to God calling him to higher ground and, in turn, calling others to come to God through His Word. 

The series drew 50–70 people during each presentation. Many came away from the series truly inspired by the words and insights he shared.

“I really enjoyed the Dan Gabbert series and his approach through the work of Biblical Response Therapy for daily life,” said Allison Rodriguez, Hayden Church member. “My favorite part was when he broke down the Golden Rule into seven principles that really encouraged me in my walk and know what the gospel is about. It’s been transformational to my thoughts, which affect my attitude and actions.”

Gabbert also emphasized the importance of going on a “praise binge” when struggles arise, which drives the devil from entering our thoughts. With this perspective, we, through God’s Spirit, can elevate our thoughts and thus be better prepared to serve God through ministry to our church and community, exhibiting greater godly love and compassion to our fellow man as He commissioned us in Matthew 28. 

Gabbert enveloped a key thought through the series: “Time alone with God in His Word. Nothing replaces it. Without it, everything replaces it." This is timely advice for all to take to heart during these last days.

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Featured in: January/February 2019
