The Stayton (Ore.) Church's amateur (ham) radio class ended on March 22, 2018, by adding six new technician class licenses, with the possibility of seven others to follow on future exam dates. Everyone had a great time, and we learned a lot. Some are even looking forward to the next step, the general license, so that they can gain access to additional radio band privileges.
Next comes some radio equipment, lots of practice, and a communication future that includes fun and community service.
If this sounds interesting, you can contact Carlos Antuna (call sign KT7CA) of the Northwest Adventist Amateur Radio Association at 509-485-2434 or the Stayton Church 503-769-5203
to get started. Good luck, and I hope to talk with you someday over the air — John Koger (call sign KI7VUL).
A special thank you is given to the all volunteer instructors and the test examiners who helped us in our accomplishments. You are a credit to the Amateur Radio Association.