Fired Up About 'Fired'
I loved, loved, loved the article “Four Things Church Members Do … That Would Get Them Fired At Work” by Seth Pierce [Perspective, July 2016]. He is so right on. As a church leader for many years, and having worked in the business world, I have thought about these concepts and wondered about members who are part of God’s kingdom yet display these attributes. Thanks for articulating it in such a thought-provoking way.
Ruth Scofield, Falls City, Ore.
Another Way to Be Fired
I greatly appreciated Seth Pierce‘s article [Perspective, July 2016]. I'd like to add to that list an employee who treats customers coldly, or worse — ignores them completely. I have, unfortunately, visited many Adventist churches where visitors are treated exactly in this way. Thankfully my local church is not one of them!
Rena Erickson, Burlington, Wash.
Size Matters
I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Plubell [Editorial, July 2016] that the primary focus of Adventist education must be Christ. I also agree that small schools can be excellent. However, size and breadth of academic programs are two of the many indicators of a successful school. Do we need elementary and high schools with thousands of students to be successful? Absolutely not. But if our schools are so small that we can’t provide a rigorous academic experience, or worse yet, they’re so small that we can’t pay the salaries of our incredible teachers or keep the doors open, then we have a problem. I fear that if we completely ignore the size of our schools, it won't be long before we don't have any left.
Benjamin Leake, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Listen to the Canaries
Martin Weber’s article, “When the Canaries Stop Singing” [Perspective, August 2016], struck a chord with me. … I spent my working life as an educator/administrator in the SDA school system. … If I had any advice to today’s teachers and pastors, both in the church and in our schools, I would advise them to step back and really examine how our theology is being integrated into the life of the students rather than the students seeing Bible class as just another class and the school and church “rules” becoming a negative in their lives. If we want our church here in America to continue to prosper, we had better take a hard look at the canary, for I think it is telling us that there is more to why our young people are leaving than hurt feelings and the other reasons so many give. I think we need to look at how we teach our theology in the first place. Think about this: Can you, using only the Bible, explain the Investigative Judgment, the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection, and the Sabbath in such a way that it becomes a message of hope and relevance in your Christian life? And what is the relevance of Mrs. White to today’s youth? I hope Pastor Weber’s article inspires many to take a hard look at the issue he raises.
Myron Whiting, College Place, Wash.
More About the Canaries
Excellent article! Such a good analogy. My young adult son is no longer attending church. My young adult daughter has tried to remain in the church and has faced these issues over and over again. Often times older adults don't know how to communicate with the younger ones. The exact same questions every Sabbath is interpreted by her as you weren't listening the first time, or the second, etc. Young adults are also very sensitive to your nonverbal communication. She was very surprised by this article and agreed with the analogy. Thank you, Martin Weber!
Cheryl Berreth, Laclede, Idaho
Struggling With Providence
I have to confess I have been struggling over Providence [Let's Talk, June 2016]. I am assuming you believe every person born in this world has a guardian angel. That would include every person who died in the Holocaust. Could one ask where were their guardian angels? My Bible tells me God has loved me with an everlasting love. Jer. 31:3. And that His knowledge of me extends even to the hairs of my head. I am also certain I have been saved from serious injuries on more than one occasion. Many others could say the same thing. But there are others who have suffered serious injuries or even death. There is the age-old struggle of why bad things happen to good people. It seems to me the best approach is to tell people we will not get the answers to these questions until the Judgment Day. In the mean time we need to assure people of God’s everlasting love and that we should love and trust Him regardless of what happens.
Donald E. Casebolt, College Place, Wash.
The Gleaner responds:
Our point exactly.