UCC Youth Encouraged to Ski Uphill

What do you get when you mix teenagers, water, cold and the Holy Spirit and stir until combined? One group of energetic teens tried it this February and discovered the Upper Columbia Conference SkiFest based at Camp MiVoden in Hayden, Idaho, Feb. 13–15.

SkiFest is the Upper Columbia Conference Youth department’s winter youth retreat that takes place over the Presidents Day holiday weekend. The annual event is designed not only to draw skiers to Schweitzer Mountain for a long weekend of snow skiing and snowboarding but to provide spiritual renewal at Camp MiVoden. 

This year, the event focused on “Skiing Up Hill.” SkiFest participants spent Sabbath at Camp MiVoden singing, fellowshipping and listening to Eric Chavez, pastor, share the concept of going against the norm. Chavez encouraged teens to follow the example of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and live radical lives for God, different from their peers.

Sunday and Monday, the youth hit the mountain for some downhill bonding on the slopes. Chavez took to the slopes along with the kids.

Wendy Eberhardt, Upper Columbia Conference youth director, shared something unique about this year’s SkiFest. The youth group from the Republic (Wash.) Church brought 16 non-Adventist young people with them. “We enjoyed a weekend of fellowship and sharing with them,” says Eberhardt.

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Featured in: April 2016


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor