Image Credit: Rollin Hixson

Three Angels Featured at Montana Conference Camp Meeting

This year's theme for Montana Camp Meeting was “Angels' Voices Today," a study of the Three Angels' Messages. Keynote speakers included Ken Denslow, North American Division assistant to the president, as well as Dan Jackson, North American Division president. They challenged attendees to consider some of the practical aspects of living these vital messages in today’s world.

Seminar presenters offered a variety of topics. John McVay, Walla Walla University president, spoke on “The Church — A User’s Guide” and led early morning devotionals on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Author and prophecy seminar presenter Tim Roosenberg shared insights from Daniel 11 and 12 on the role of Christianity and Islam in prophecy. Kim Schroeder, North Pacific Union Conference planned giving and trust services director, shared important information regarding estate planning and how it impacts lives.

Other highlights of the camp meeting experience included a first-person presentation of Advent pioneer Joseph Bates by Barry Taylor, Montana Conference ministerial director, describing Bates' experiences at sea and his conversion to the Advent movement. Students of the summer Montana Youth Rush program, under the direction of Marshall McKenzie, shared inspiring testimonies of how God is working in their own hearts and lives as they interact with people all across the state.

The Evangelism Hour focused on what God is doing through evangelistic activity in Montana. Bill Whitney, Hamilton Church pastor, interviewed recent baptismal candidates, and Merlin Knowles, Montana Conference president, introduced Bible worker Victor Infante and the process of planting a Hispanic church in Billings.

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Featured in: August 2015
