Roseburg Church Reaches Out Through Prophecy

The Roseburg Church is a church with a mission: to share the good news of Jesus' love with Bible prophecy about the signs of our times. The church hosted the Prophetic Signs Seminar with Lyle Albrecht beginning on Feb. 14 and concluding March 14.

The series began with a full house, including about 80 community guests. Midway through the meetings, this number dropped to about 35; however, new people continued to appear throughout the meetings. The church welcomed 25 people through baptism and one by profession of faith. Members are following the series with a biweekly series called Prophecies of Hope.

Many of the people who attended the meetings were those who had seen Albrecht on 3ABN (Three Angels Broadcasting Network) or Better Life TV. The people who attended were generally older, and they were excited by the meetings. The format of the meetings began with a travelogue of various places in Europe and the Bible lands, followed by the subject Albrecht chose for that night. The Roseburg Church family is praising God for leading these people to attend the meetings, respond to the Holy Spirit and request baptism.

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Featured in: August 2015
