Prayer Conference Connects Attendees With God

The Montana Prayer Conference was held at two locations this past fall — Oct. 18, 2014, in Ronan at Glacier View School and Nov. 8, 2014, at the Billings Church. The speakers were Paul and Corleen Johnson from Portland, Ore.

The topics included connecting with God in prayer, God revealing His thoughts, how to pass inspiration to your home church and intercessory prayer. The Johnsons provided visuals on the screen, handouts, websites and personal stories of God answering prayers.

One story was about God asking a lady to stop at a designated place, go in and stand on her head in front of the pop machine. She reluctantly obeyed, hoping no one would see her. Upon reaching the door to leave, the man behind the counter asked her why she did that. She finally told him, and he shared with her that earlier he had had a gun pointed to his head, ready to end his life, but something kept him from doing it. He said to God, “If there is a God, and You really do love me, send a lady in here to stand on her head in front of the pop machine. Then I will know You love me.”

What if she had ignored the Lord and His promptings? How often do we brush aside God speaking to us because of various reasons/excuses? We don’t want to miss a chance to save someone’s soul (including our own) for Christ. We want to be ready and willing at every opportunity to work for Him.

They had an anointing service after the last meeting for those who wanted to be anointed for healing or for service to others. Two people went forward for the anointing.

In the past, the conference was only held in Bozeman. This year's change gave some people a chance to attend for the first time.

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Featured in: February 2015
