
An Amen to 'Bread'

[Regarding Let’s Talk, 'Bread,' June 2014] Just want to say, "Amen, and right on!" I am so tired of hearing about all that is wrong with our food. Not that I don't believe in eating healthy foods, but people have become [so] obsessed lately I have come to think of the subject as "Righteousness by Veganism." Ellen White says something to the effect of … secure the best food you can, thank God for it, and don't worry about it. Thank you for addressing this fanaticism in such a tactful way. I love the Gleaner. — Alice Ray, Gold Hill, Ore.

Present Truth

Seth Pierce's last paragraph [Perspective, 'Partial,' July 2014] needs to be heard loud and clear: "We need vigorous spiritual dialogue ... ." I find a contingent of folks that treat anything published in the Adventist press of the past as if the articles were rosary beads to be fingered over and over. Just because an interpretation is old and established does not make it a perfect fit for today. The Holy Spirit is alive and continues to grow God's people, thus the expression "Present Truth." Whenever we feel we have "The Truth" we are in danger of becoming rigid and blind, in need of nothing. We need to continue to seek understanding while acknowledging our need of divine guidance in the here and now. Thank you, Pastor Pierce. — Lorraine Wilson, Newport, Wash.

Ellen White on Opinions

[Regarding Let’s Talk, 'Opinion,' July 2014] I thought this quote from Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing (p. 124) fit along with Steve's comments: "Do not make your opinions, your views of duty, your interpretations of Scripture, a criterion for others and in your heart condemn them if they do not come up to your ideal." — Mary Rockwell, Coupeville, Wash.

A Timely Reminder

Gregory Hamilton's message in the June Gleaner was important and timely. Both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis are increasingly popular peacemakers. This would be an ideal time to point out the prophecy in Dan. 8:25: "He shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many." — Phyllis Bess, Longview, Wash.

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Featured in: September 2014
