Sandy Baptisms Give Cause for Rejoicing

The Sandy Church is rejoicing with several recent baptisms. From ages 12 to 96, the baptismal candidates all had one thing in common: They love Jesus and want to follow His example. One person had been helping with the community service meal program Food for Folks and had been studying with Sandy Rowe, Food for Folks director. Another person read on her own about the Sabbath, began attending the pastor’s New Believers class and invited her husband. Two young men had been studying and preparing for several months, and one young mother was rebaptized to express her return to her commitment to Jesus and her gratitude for the power of change He continues to bring to her life. It was a wonderful Sabbath filled with praise to God. The baptism was held at the culmination of a three-week Revelation Revealed seminar held by evangelist Larren Cole, with the support of his wife and family. The smiles all through the Sandy church were only a dim reflection of the “joy in heaven” that was felt that special Sabbath.

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Featured in: August 2014
