
A Good Fight

Just wanted to comment on Seth Pierce's "How to Pick a Fight" [April 2014]. If it had been the only article in the whole paper, it would have been worth sending out the April issue. Thanks! — Cheri Armstrong, Athena, Ore.

My Steps to Baptism

It was a real blessing to read the article from Max Torkelsen, my first pastor, in the April issue. The facts and figures he presented about the church were astounding. At this rate Jesus should come soon as the commission to go out has done its work. Wow! Every 28 seconds an Adventist is born again. This letter is generated by his comment, “What if a baptismal candidate can answer every question about our basic beliefs but has not experienced a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ?” The day of my baptism was very memorable. You see at the time (1978) I set out to prove that God was real before I ever attended any Adventist church. After about one year in the church Max told me to start thinking about making a decision to be baptized. So my thinking was to study from the little book In His Steps. I told myself that if I believed all that was written in this little book I would choose to be baptized. I took each basic belief one at a time and studied verse for verse. When I came to the study about Ellen White, having read only two of her books, I asked myself if I accept this one basic belief. After only a few seconds I told the Lord I would. In His Steps led me to be baptized. By accepting the one thing that might have held me back concerning Ellen White, God gave me “that peace that passes all understanding.” Ever since then if ever there was one who kept me close to Jesus, it was Ellen White. — Robert Rouillard, Lakewood, Wash.

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Featured in: June 2014
