Letters to the Editor

Entertaining Angels

My work the last three years has been transient, 4–6 months in a place, then on to the next one. This has given us an opportunity to visit quite a number of churches. There is always a greeter and a guest book to sign as well as a dog-and-pony show to "welcome" the visitors. But, generally, you come a stranger and leave the same. We have sat in numerous Sabbath School classes where neither the teacher nor one of the members noted us as visitors. If we had been neighbors from across the street, what would we have thought? Or visitors sent to check things out as those who visited Abraham, what report would we have written upon returning?

David Schumacher, Inchelium, Wash.

Education Issue a Blessing

Your three leading stories in the July GLEANER were exceptionally well-written and inspiring, and I appreciate an issue featuring Adventist schools in the union.

Marilyn Morgan, Kettle Falls, Wash.

Happy Recollections

The recollections of academy days [Let's Talk, July 2012] were a great trip down memory lane! The Sprinkler Revenge and the Brahms Blast really tickled my funny bone!

I attended Glendale Adventist Academy (Glendale Union Academy, back then) in Glendale, California, all 12 years. My only claim to fame is that I rode the school bus nearly 100,000 miles! We were rarely late for school except in very rainy weather when the streets leading up to the school flooded and filled with mud from the hills above the school. The story about Amanda Carrithers and Paige Jansen at Gem State Academy (GSA) was heart-warming. Would that all our schools had students who were as accepting and inclusive as Amanda found at GSA. That was not the case for many of my peers. But I have no regrets for pursuing Adventist Christian education all the way from first grade through college.

Edwin Karlow, Walla Walla, Wash.

A Personal Witness

I always look forward to reading Let's Talk, the one entitled "Education" [July 2012] especially. I was on some of those high school band tours with Steve Vistaunet. Although I missed the "wet awakening," I do remember starting the wrong song. Steve, all you had to do was look over at my music stand to see what we were playing next. Memories of friends, good times and bad, from those days will always stay with me and my wife. She was also in the band during those year, standing behind Steve and I, playing percussion. The quality of education learned and friendships made are still some of the leading principles and fond memories in our lives.

Ken Krenzler, Aloha, Ore.

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