In Heartfelt Appreciation

Her sharp sense for the written word, passion for punctuation and gift for grammar have gilded GLEANER pages since our February 2008 issue. By the time you read this, however, Cindy Chamberlin, GLEANER managing editor, will have left her role and begun her new position as communication director for the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. There, she will serve as head of a department and concentrate on both print and broadcast journalism.

This change is due to an increased North Pacific Union Conference focus toward enhanced digital communication channels. Northwest members will begin to see some of these enhancements in the coming year.

But we shall miss Cindy. Many readers of the GLEANER and Cindy's Garden Blog appreciated her thorough research and frequent articles of well-known tithe-payers. Her attention to detail and her determined work ethic have been almost beyond compare, perhaps even irreplaceable. Yet, we are delighted that Cindy's spiritual gifts will continue to thrive in a new arena for our church. We invite your prayers for her and her family as this new journey begins.

Thank you, Cindy, for the four-plus years of blessings you brought to all of us here in the Northwest.

Steve Vistaunet, GLEANER editor

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Featured in: August 2012
