
Sunset Schedule Not Legalistic

In response to the letter in the February 2012 issue of the GLEANER that suggests printing the Sunset Schedule fosters legalism, I must say that I couldn't disagree more with this gentleman! I find the printed schedule to be a helpful tool in my observance of the Sabbath. I do not see it as legalism to know when sunset is, so we can usher in the Sabbath with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God, rather than dashing about with our secular activities into the edges of the sacred Sabbath hours!

Gale Blankenship, Bickleton, Washington

Marriott's Mormonism an Issue

I found the article about Mr. Marriott ["Whatever Thy Hand Findeth to Do," February 2012] interesting and even inspiring in a business sense, but thought it terribly out of place in our magazine. To me it is giving credence to Mormonism as a Christian denomination when their teachings conflict in many fundamental areas with the Bible. I was raised in a Mormon home [and] attended a Mormon church as a youngster. The LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) people are deceived. It is difficult enough to get them to open their hearts and minds to the truth of Jesus without them being able to point to the Adventist publication as a stage for their authority. To me, it's like asking Adventists to take a Sunday School class from the pope.

Chuck Kinghorn, Nampa, Idaho

Marriott Take 2

J. Willard "Bill" Marriott's story took me by surprise in the GLEANER. What was the purpose of using this article about a Mormon in a magazine for Seventh-day Adventists? Even though Marriott had some wonderful character qualities, the article was not appropriate for an SDA audience. Surely several of our very own SDAs must exhibit superior character qualities as well. Please explain why this article was included in our denominational magazine.

Belinda Junghans, Billings, Montana

The GLEANER responds...

We appreciate the thoughtful counsel of several who wrote regarding this article. While we want our readers to trust the solid Adventist focus of the GLEANER, we had hoped the inclusion of a well-known and respected tithe-payer not of our persuasion might be of interest to many. We are sorry that Marriott's connection with Mormonism obscured for some the main intent of the article — that tithe-paying has been an avenue of God's blessings for many successful Americans beyond our immediate fold. Ironically, it's a blessing even some Adventists still neglect to embrace.

For a response from the article's author, Cindy Chamberlin, turn to "Don't Shoot: It Was Only a Tithe Story," in our Let's Talk section on page 38 of this issue.

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Featured in: April 2012
