Montana Men's Summit Weekend

The Bear Canyon Ski Lodge was the gathering site for men from all around Montana and several from Idaho for the ninth annual Montana Men's Summit held, as always, on the last weekend of September. Attendance set a record again as word has spread of the wonderful blessing the weekend provides.

Steve Wohlberg reminded attendees about how the events all around point to the soon return of Jesus. He shared his own conversion experience of reading The Desire of Ages as a young man and the importance of contemplating the cross. He took attendees through the experience of Daniel and how his love for the pagan monarchs he served affected their empires. Attendees were reminded of the need for this kind of service and leadership in churches and communities today.

The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident, and the men were blessed not only by Wohlberg's presentations but by music led by a praise team comprised of Eric Beavon, Leo Beardsley, Damien Lowrimore on guitars, Jent Kyle on violin, David Jupe on harmonica, and Merlin Knowles, Montana Conference president, on the saw. Dan Clark performed his own original compositions each session, and additional special music was performed by Leo Beardsley and the Montana Men's Chorus.

The weather was perfect, the food provided by Mount Ellis Academy superb, the setting inspirational and the fellowship unmatched.

The group left inspired and fortified. The Holy Spirit touched lives, and many are looking forward to the 2012 summit with Bill Liversidge. For information about next year's summit, contact the Montana Conference.

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Featured in: January 2012
