PSAA Students Cast for International Education Tour

Two seniors at Puget Sound Adventist Academy, Stefan Danilov and Mina Mirmotahari, were chosen from a national casting call to be the new faces for EF Tours.

"Being in front of cameras and jet-setting the globe was just a dream that seemed far from reality," says Danilov.

Danilov learned about the travel opportunity from an EF Tours email. Having nothing to lose, he recorded a short video explaining why he deserved to be chosen.

A couple months later, EF Tours informed Danilov he had made the top 30 list of students. Through multiple interviews via Skype, Danilov and Mirmotahari were invited to tour Europe, all expenses paid, with the educational touring company.

They met three other students chosen for the trip when they arrived in Prague, Czech Republic, along with photographers, a videographer and public relations staff from EF Tours who recorded and photographed the students' every move for two weeks.

"We ate pretzels in Prague, würste in Germany and fondue in Switzerland," says Danilov. "We stayed in nice hotels and visited all the must-see attractions. Everything was, well, just surreal."

The last night, the five students shared their religious views and PSAA students were able to witness and share about Adventists. "The great thing," says Danilov," was that we all share one thing in common: we all believe in the same God."

Read Danilov's firsthand account at

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Featured in: July 2011