
WWU Not the Only One

Although I'm currently a student at Pacific Union College, in Angwin, California, I still make my family forward the monthly GLEANER to me so I can keep up with what's going on back home.

In the May 2011 article in the Walla Walla University section, it says, "Currently, WWU is the only Adventist university in North America offering an international communication major." I'm actually a student in the program here at PUC. I feel like it should be noted that WWU is not the only college with that program.

Brittney Alexander, Melba, Idaho

A Slippery Slope

Greg Hamilton (Feature, May 2011) raises legitimate concerns about some Adventists who promote agendas sponsored by those who may ultimately push for Sunday legislation. Terms such as "Christian Nation" are deceptive fronts for such agendas. Hamilton clearly distinguishes between legitimate civil concerns and religious practices. Those who feel government should promote religious practices are sliding down a slippery slope.

Connie Dahlke, Walla Walla, Washington

A Question of Source Credibility

In his May editorial, Max Torkelson spoke of the good news that Jesus is coming again. In support of this good news, Torkelson quoted an "End Times Predictions" website that claims major earthquakes are increasing in frequency. However, according to the United States Geological Survey (which has credibility in the field of earth science comparable to that of the GAO in the realm of government or the CDC in the field of public health), the frequency of earthquakes has not increased over the last hundred years or so that systematic records have been kept.

In this case, the standard sources nearly unanimously contradict the statement in the editorial. Linking our convictions about Jesus' return to dubious assertions of scientific "fact" diminishes our credibility.

Our confidence in Jesus' return is based on the surety of His promise, not on the horror of disasters.

John McLarty, Enumclaw, Washington

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Featured in: July 2011
