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Heritage Singers' Reunion Draws Overflow Crowd

More than 2,000 eager Northwest fans packed into the New Hope Community Church in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday evening, December 4, 2010. They came to enjoy what may only happen once — a reunion concert with the Heritage Singers and the original Rose City Singers as sponsored by the GLEANER. It was also a celebration of the 40-year journey of faith for Max and Lucy Mace who spoke about their first Heritage concert in Yakima, Washington, in 1971. "An Evening in December," as it was entitled, was coordinated by Cindy Chamberlin, GLEANER managing editor, and hosted by Dale Galusha, Pacific Press president.

Northwest Pastor is New It Is Written Speaker

John Bradshaw, 43, most recently the Village Church (College Place, Washington) senior pastor, has begun his new role as director and speaker for It Is Written. This replaces Shawn Boonstra, who stepped down for personal health reasons. Bradshaw has broad experience in evangelism and broadcasting. He has been an Adventist pastor for 15 years and has held more than 80 evangelistic series, both in the U.S. and abroad. "He has natural, God-given talents that make him an excellent fit for [the] It Is Written team, and a warm, Christ-like manner that immediately pulls you in to his experience with Jesus," says Boonstra.

New Book by NW Authors on Domestic Abuse

No More Excuses, a new release from AdventSource, is a 250-page book authored by Drs. Mable and Colin Dunbar. The Dunbars are longtime leaders in the Northwest and beyond for developing resources to help abuse victims. The book outlines a clear theology for understanding the impact of domestic violence in the church and ways for pastors, elders and church leaders to appropriately, biblically and honorably intervene. More information is available online at

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Featured in: February 2011
