Kent Church Revives Friday Vespers

The Kent (Wash.) Adventist Church is reviving Friday night vespers through a program called First Friday.

"The concept behind First Friday is to start guarding the edges of the Sabbath better," says Jack Barrow III, Kent Church Evangelism director. "Our church is growing every week, and we wanted to find a way to nourish church members and guests."

First Friday, currently offered the first Friday of each month, is a simple, one-hour program. Vespers begins with a time of sharing, moves into a time of prayer, transitions into a short message, and concludes with a 25-minute mini concert by local musicians.

"People are responding to vespers," Barrow says. "We even have people attending from our sister churches."

At the February vespers program, the audience of more than 60 people shared testimonies about being thankful for new jobs, Bible study opportunities, the growing church family, and God's perfect timing.

Prayer time reflected the challenges and concerns people are facing as family and friends look for employment, start cancer treatment, recover from car accidents or pray for struggling marriages and families. Barrow's sermonette, "Impossible is Nothing," dug into scripture to find reassurance that in weakness God will make us strong.

Vespers concluded with a mini concert by For His Glory, a local Adventist men's group.

"We found as a church that people are dusting off the week when they walk in the door," says Barrow. "Our church experience is improved when people come prepared."

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Featured in: April 2010