AAA Students Resonate with Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer is a much anticipated event for the Auburn Adventist Academy campus as students get to interact with each other as a school family in small discussion groups and activities.

This year, Scott Kabel and James Reynaert, recent graduates from Southern Adventist University, presented the mid-September Week of Prayer.

"We talked this week about how to accept the calling to be disciples and to share the love of God," Raynaert says.

In one presentation, Kabel and Reynaert asked what it meant to have Jesus in your heart. A student responded, "Having Jesus in your heart is like having a best friend everywhere you go."

Another time, Reynaert talked about how deeply God feels our pain. When he asked if anyone was going through pain, every person stood up!

"Week of Prayer really helped me to experience God in a new way," says Kelsey Gracias, a junior from Auburn, Wash., "and helped me realize how much I need God in my life."

Mark Weir, Auburn's chaplain, arranges Week of Prayers. "It was fun to see all the activities and energy that the students had (at Week of Prayer)," says Weir. "The challenges the speakers gave each day were a good reminder to us all."

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Featured in: November 2009