World News Briefs - February 2009


São Paulo Passes Religious Freedom Charter

Adventists in Brazil say they are encouraged by the passage of the Brazilian Charter of Religious Freedom in São Paulo, the nation's largest and most influential city. The document is meant to draw attention to the legal defense of civil liberties and human rights. Church leaders expect other cities throughout Brazil to pass the charter as well. Though the population is predominantly Roman Catholic, Brazil is considered among the top countries in the world in terms of religious freedom.

Source: Adventist News Network


President Praises Adventist Relief Efforts

The president of Mozambique recently met with Adventist leaders in his country to hear about upcoming church projects. President Armando Guebuza says he favors a partnership between the church's organizations and his country's government so together they can fight poverty and strengthen the moral fabric of society. Mozambique is home to more than 500,000 Adventists, and the church is actively involved in drilling wells, and providing education and infrastructure aid. The government is considering a plan to waive the import tax on items shipped into the country for Maranatha projects.

Source: Adventist News Network


ADRA Responds to Volcano Eruption

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency provided emergency food parcels to more than 300 displaced families after Columbia's highest volcano, Nevado del Huila, erupted in November 2008. This eruption affected an estimated 12,000 people in the region. ADRA coordinated their efforts with the Columbian Red Cross specifically providing aid for families with disabled members, elderly citizens and households lead by women.

Source: Adventist News Network


Christians Still in Hiding

Despite the presence of paramilitary forces throughout Orissa, India, hundreds of people, including many Christians and Hindus, are believed to be still hiding in the region's forests. They continue to fear a return to the violence that swept through the region last year, following the murder of a radical Hindu leader. Although there have been no reports of violence in months, it is believed more than 8,000 Christians are still living in state-run relief camps.



Vatican Separates From Italian Law

The Vatican will no longer automatically adopt any law passed by the Italian government. The Papal Office issued a statement saying many of Italy's civil and criminal codes conflict with Roman Catholic Church principles. Vatican City State, the smallest sovereign state in the world, will now adopt Italian laws on a case-by-case basis.


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Featured in: February 2009
