Remembering Jere...

"A prince in Israel has fallen! He left like he lived. Quietly. Graciously. With gentle dignity. Without demands or harsh words or even a frown, he surrendered himself, a tired gentleman and statesman, into the waiting arms of his Savior. Good-bye, Jere! See you in the morning!" —Lonnie Melashenko, The Voice of Prophecy


"In his book The Road Ahead Jere Patzer described the ideal Adventist leader: someone who is deeply spiritual, who has a passion for mission, who serves others with love, and serves God with uncompromising integrity. These are the principles I saw defined in the life of my friend and colleague, Jere." —Jan Paulsen, General Conference president


"Jere literally saved our Christian lives as we were teetering on the edge those many years ago. He is one of the greatest men I have ever known. The world, my world, is a lesser place with him gone." —Ty Gibson, Lightbearers Ministry


"Even with trials of his own, he unselfishly reached out and blessed those around him. I hope to one day be as faithful a servant of Christ. I loved him dearly and won't stop missing him until Jesus comes to take us all home." —Danielle Schull, Upper Columbia Academy student


"Jere was positive, a friendly connector, and a strong spiritual leader; tenacious in his convictions, and a powerful soul winner. His legacy includes thousands of church members inspired to greater service. Few in the history of the church will be missed more than Jere." —Don Livesay, Oregon Conference president


"Jere's leadership has been consistently marked by high dedication and high energy. And, I would add, high touch. His personal interest was always evident. He cared." —John McVay, Walla Walla University president


"Jere Patzer had a passion for Jesus. He stands among the great pioneers of the Adventist movement. Jere leaves a legacy of gospel proclamation, not only by personal example, but also by casting a worldwide vision, relentlessly advocating and enabling a church culture of mission involvement."

—Mike Ryan, General Conference general vice president


"He was a mirror of the kindness, gentleness, intelligence, caring and faith that has only One Source. God blessed and encouraged me through him."

—Kami Borg, NPUC executive committee member


"Jere was a 'fearless leader' not because of innate ability, but because of his deep connection with the One who knows no fear. He was undaunted by the sometimes unpleasant tasks of leadership because of his willingness to allow Jesus to lead through him. Jere was a friend of Jesus and that led him to be a friend to others."

—Phil White, Calhoun, Georgia, Adventist Church senior pastor


"If anyone would have had an excuse to be too busy it could have been Jere. But what I saw was a Dad who showed up; intramurals, concerts, plays... Jere and Sue found a way to be there and support their kids; and be visibly—and rightly—proud of them. In a world crying out for Godly men, they have been mentored by one of the best." —Cynthia Voortman, Upper Columbia Academy former teacher


"I've had the privilege of knowing many church leaders in my lay ministries. Jere, in my opinion, stood at the top of the list." —Bob Paulsen, NPUC executive committee member


"I looked upon Jere as one of God's true soldiers. I observed his unflinching integrity on many occasions. He was someone I want to be like." —Dan Jackson, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada president


"Jere Patzer—a gifted Adventist leader, was always sharp, always articulate, always passionate about the evangelistic mission of the church. Jere Patzer—consummate communicator. Jere Patzer—true to family, true to duty, true to God. I have lost a good friend."

—Gordon Retzer, Southern Union Conference president

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Featured in: December 2008
