Othello Members Share Ministry in the Park

The "Water People"—that's the nickname given by the community to the Othello Church members. Water bottles, labeled with Bible verses, were given out during Othello's Fourth of July Sun Faire at the park. Sun Run participants especially appreciated the water at the end of the 5K and 10K races.

Church members set up tables with ice water along with children's and adult literature, and a guessing game with prizes. But the favorite part of the booth was the balloon hats and animals created by church members. This event is repeated, on a larger scale, at the Adams County Fair in September.

Traditional evangelistic meetings have not been well attended in Othello in recent years. So the church members decided to take on a new approach of monthly outreach projects to the community. It really developed as an expansion on the monthly Share Your Faith by the local Pathfinder club. Now the whole church family participates in a variety of monthly activities.

Friendship evangelism is successful as, throughout the year townspeople associate Othello church members with their trademark, water. But the real message is on each bottle of water, "...whosoever desires, let him take of the water of life freely— Rev. 22:17."

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Featured in: September 2008