Enumclaw Women Gather for Spiritual Nurturing

Twenty women, including 12 mother/daughter pairs, from Enumclaw, Wash., recently went to Cannon Beach, Ore., for a weekend of spiritual renewal.

Using the theme of Ephesians 3:16–21 about grasping the width, length, height and depth of God’s love through prayer, the women focused on three areas: 1) accepting God’s loving nature for us, 2) understanding how to work with God to spiritually love and nurture ourselves, and 3) nurturing others. They learned how to write love letters to God, several ways to personalize scripture, to pray on deeper levels for personal issues and how to intercede in prayer for others.

Each participant received a notebook prepared with personalized and specific topic prayers, a spiritual gift test and information to refer to afterward, and a copy of the devotional Jesus Calling.

The Enumclaw Prayer Warrior team coordinated by Darla Riotto, prayed for two months prior to the event for the weekend to be more of a personal experience rather than just another nice retreat. They also prayed each woman would receive exactly what God knew she needed and would leave the retreat with at least one new prayer partner. God's spirit blessed all of those faithful prayers.

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Featured in: June 2008
