Look for this page to develop over the next few months to include several items of interest to GLEANER readers, including the following:

The Advent Movement—Where is my former pastor or teacher? A monthly listing, hopefully beginning with the March or April issue, of who has recently moved where, including pastors, teachers and administrators who have worked in the Northwest;

Inside Scoop—Starting this issue with special new services, ministry options or other information of interest to Northwest Adventist members; and

Have You Seen This?—Starting this issue with links to Web sites and other new media sources.


Ricardo Graham Begins as President of Pacific Union

Ricardo Graham, executive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists since February 2006, begins the new year as president of the Pacific Union, replacing Tom Mostert, who retired in December after serving as president of North America's second largest union conference since 1986. Graham will coordinate the many-faceted mission of the church in the Pacific Southwest area of the United States, which covers Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah.

Oakwood College Becomes Oakwood University

In a special constituency meeting held Sunday, Dec. 2, on the campus of Oakwood College, constituent members overwhelmingly voted to change the institutional name from Oakwood College to Oakwood University, effective Jan. 1, 2008. For more information go the university's Web site at www.oakwood.edu.

Week of Devotion

"The Matchless Charms of Christ," Jan. 12–19

Programs will be broadcast on the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. (Pacific). For more information, go to http://www.lluc.org or see the ad on page 38 of this GLEANER.

Health Summit—Orlando

Orlando, Florida, Feb. 1–9

This event is sponsored by the North American Division and offers several tracks of intensive, ongoing education. More information is available at http://www.nadadventisthealthsummit.com.


The Adventist Channel

The beginnings of an Adventist YouTube? A new ministry resource sponsored by the North American Division (NAD) provides high-quality video clips and programs through the technology of "BiggyTV." The NAD Web site at http://www.nadadventist.org, provides a front page link and instructions on how to imbed the player into a local church Web site. A direct link is http://sda.biggytv.com.

Sunset Calculator Works Anywhere

This special feature of the GLEANER Web site lets you enter your local zip code, then pops up a personal calendar that displays the sunset for any day of the month as you hover over each date. Check it out at http://www.gleaneronline.org. It's at the top left on the main page.

Answers For Me

This Web site, sponsored by the Pacific Union Conference ministry resources center, is coordinated by Northwest member Rich DuBose, and offers free support for life's questions and issues. It includes answers to critical issues, links to health, financial and even retirement resources, and even some tasty recipes. The Web site address is http://www.answersforme.org.


In our November issue, the Idaho Conference news article titled "CERT to the Rescue" mistakenly defined CERT as Citizens Emergency Response Team. The correct name is Community Emergency Response Team, which is a national program available in many cities. Our thanks to Dr. Harry Smedes, a CERT member from Merlin, Oregon, for this reminder.

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Featured in: January 2008
