Interior Alaska Campmeeting

Interior Alaska Campmeeting More than 130 people from Fairbanks, North Pole, Delta Junction and Tok drove through the smoke of a distant fire to attend the annual Alaska Interior Camp Meeting the weekend of June 24 at Harding Lake State Park. The park is about 50 miles southeast of Fairbanks. A colorful 60-by-60-foot tent was erected in the group-use area of the camp. Participants either camped in the adjoining campground for the weekend or drove in for the day. The nearby shallow lake provided a peaceful setting. Thankfully, the smoke of the distant forest fire shifted so that the air was comfortable. Even the mosquitoes were relatively sparse. Beginning Friday evening, Ken Crawford, Alaska Conference president, presented a three-part series, "The Transformation of Marlo Monroe," which chronicled Marlo’s experience in the back country of Australia. This story highlighted the need for total surrender to and dependence on God. Sabbath afternoon, attendees participated in a Share and Tag time, giving people an opportunity to share an experience or song and then tag someone to be the next to share. “People want to share, but are hesitant to say so,” remarked Odea Sigh, Fairbanks, North Pole district pastor and organizer of the weekend. “This gave an opportunity for those not officially on the program to express their testimony.”

Interior Alaska Campmeeting

More than 130 people from Fairbanks, North Pole, Delta Junction and Tok drove through the smoke of a distant fire to attend the annual Alaska Interior Camp Meeting the weekend of June 24 at Harding Lake State Park. The park is about 50 miles southeast of Fairbanks. A colorful 60-by-60-foot tent was erected in the group-use area of the camp. Participants either camped in the adjoining campground for the weekend or drove in for the day. The nearby shallow lake provided a peaceful setting. Thankfully, the smoke of the distant forest fire shifted so that the air was comfortable. Even the mosquitoes were relatively sparse.

Beginning Friday evening, Ken Crawford, Alaska Conference president, presented a three-part series, "The Transformation of Marlo Monroe," which chronicled Marlo’s experience in the back country of Australia. This story highlighted the need for total surrender to and dependence on God.

Sabbath afternoon, attendees participated in a Share and Tag time, giving people an opportunity to share an experience or song and then tag someone to be the next to share. “People want to share, but are hesitant to say so,” remarked Odea Sigh, Fairbanks, North Pole district pastor and organizer of the weekend. “This gave an opportunity for those not officially on the program to express their testimony.”

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Featured in: August 2006
