Mt. Ellis Students Add Rooms to Mexican Church

A group of Mt. Ellis Academy (MEA) students traveled to Gauchochi, Mexico, March 21–31 to add two schoolrooms to the Adventist church there.

Among those students was Chris Gillig, an MEA senior who joined the mission "to show other people how Christians should be and how God works His miracles.”

From his previous mission experience, Gillig knew to expect long days and short nights. Despite all this, he kept his head high with the attitude of helping. Working on the construction team, Gillig made cement mortar to join the cinder blocks and learned how to pour sidewalks.

Making friends was no problem for Gillig. Martin, a local Mexican, was a big help in the construction. “That guy taught me that even if you have little, big things can still come from that,” Gillig said.

Raising money was not the easiest part of this mission. Gillig had to put his faith to the test by letting the Lord provide for him, saying, “If the Lord wants me to go, then I will; if not, then I won't go.” God came through for him when someone bought his plane ticket, and other community members donated money to help as well.

“If I were asked what puts a smile on my face from this trip, it would have to be that people can come together to accomplish something great,” Gillig said. He left Mexico feeling that the locals taught him more than what he taught them.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the next MEA mission trip, please contact MEA at (406) 587-5178.

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Featured in: July 2005