Miracles Witnessed at Prayer Quest

Miracles—like in biblical times—happened at Prayer Quest, sponsored by the Oregon Conference women’s ministries and ministerial departments this February, when 140 women and men gathered to pray, listen to uplifting presenters passionate about prayer, and anoint those needing healing.

The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident as people were healed physically and spiritually and freed from the power of Satan. Spiritual renewal resulted in new commitments to work in full-time ministry for the Lord. God’s presence was so refreshing that many people left determined to spend more time with the Lord.

In addition to the plenary session prayer group times, people met four times during the weekend in smaller groups of about 10 to pray. Real bonding took place as people shared their needs and others laid hands on them and lifted them up to the Lord.

Attendees were asked to evaluate the weekend by writing comments on an evaluation sheet. One lady said, “To see my husband free from pain after so many years was the high point for me." Another lady responded, “The pastor had asked me to be the personal ministries person for our church and I was in too much pain to say, yes. Now I can do it.” Another attendee noted his high point as, “The prayer time.” When asked what he plans to share with others, he said, “Whatever God leads me to share—He’s the boss now!”

Miraculous is what Prayer Quest was because the Holy Spirit encountered each one in a unique way and changed lives one heart at a time. No one will be the same.

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Featured in: April 2005
