Women's Retreat 2004 New Beach Location a Success

Change can be exciting. This year the Washington Women’s Retreat moved to Ocean Shores, Wash., after 20 years in Canada. Apparently the new location in the Washington Conference was attractive. Attendance increased to almost 100!

We had a weekend of gorgeous sunshine, ocean waves, and sandy feet! The theme, “Beautiful Feet,” was based on Isaiah 52:7: “How beautiful are the feet of them that bring good news.”

Cynthia Prime from Indianapolis inspired us with messages of God’s love and grace, along with a call to use our “Beautiful Feet” for God. Seminar topics included Secrets of Lean Cuisine, Journey to Accountability, Finding Balance in a Topsy-Turvy Life, Morning Joy, Guiding Feet to Walk in His Power, and Climbing Feet.

It was such a blessing to spend time together walking on the beach, getting foot massages, and preparing to use our “Beautiful Feet” to bring the good news of Jesus to our communities

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Featured in: December 2004
