Brewster Dives Into God's Word At Vacation Bible School A panorama of lifelike divers and colorful sea creatures created by artist Tom Golden transformed the Brewster (Wash.) Church into an “undersea” paradise for the 70 boys and girls who came for Vacation Bible School in late June. Through the week, daily topics were re-emphasized in each activity. Costumed helpers dramatized Bible characters, even inviting kids to “swim” into the creepy dark belly of a massive fish to sense the Jonah experience. On video, cuddly Chadder Chipmunk learned trust and obedience in daily diving. Bible memory buddies—miniature squirty sea creatures on which each day’s Bible verse was inscribed—were shared during Splish Splash Games. Crafts ranged from flying fish to pearl divers. Even the snacks told a story. Apple sections boats recalled stormy Galilee, while cupcakes represented Elijah’s altar confounding Baal worshippers. Sing and Play Splash started each session with singing and reciting with Esther Hanson, who also introduced flipper-footed favorite, Scuba Dude, whose curiosity pinpointed Bible lessons. Many children and parents came for the Sabbath wrap-up to glimpse video snatches the week’s activities and to hear Gordon Smith, Brewster pastor, share his message, "The Touch of Children." A picnic lunch was followed by a scuba dive explanation and demonstration by Golden at Columbia Cove. Parents and friends also gave a special mission offering to brighten the lives of children in a Guatemalan orphanage. Through the week, kids had enthusiastically tossed “silver” coins into a tide pool for those orphans. Helper Heidee Leno shared her own experience as a very sick baby brought to that very orphanage from which she was later adopted.
Brewster Dives Into God's Word
At Vacation Bible School
A panorama of lifelike divers and colorful sea creatures created by artist Tom Golden transformed the Brewster (Wash.) Church into an “undersea” paradise for the 70 boys and girls who came for Vacation Bible School in late June.
Through the week, daily topics were re-emphasized in each activity. Costumed helpers dramatized Bible characters, even inviting kids to “swim” into the creepy dark belly of a massive fish to sense the Jonah experience. On video, cuddly Chadder Chipmunk learned trust and obedience in daily diving. Bible memory buddies—miniature squirty sea creatures on which each day’s Bible verse was inscribed—were shared during Splish Splash Games. Crafts ranged from flying fish to pearl divers.
Even the snacks told a story. Apple sections boats recalled stormy Galilee, while cupcakes represented Elijah’s altar confounding Baal worshippers. Sing and Play Splash started each session with singing and reciting with Esther Hanson, who also introduced flipper-footed favorite, Scuba Dude, whose curiosity pinpointed Bible lessons.
Many children and parents came for the Sabbath wrap-up to glimpse video snatches the week’s activities and to hear Gordon Smith, Brewster pastor, share his message, "The Touch of Children." A picnic lunch was followed by a scuba dive explanation and demonstration by Golden at Columbia Cove.
Parents and friends also gave a special mission offering to brighten the lives of children in a Guatemalan orphanage. Through the week, kids had enthusiastically tossed “silver” coins into a tide pool for those orphans. Helper Heidee Leno shared her own experience as a very sick baby brought to that very orphanage from which she was later adopted.