PAA’s Wonderful Surprise

“I believe that there is a hunger among our young people today to take a stand and be counted as fully-committed followers of Christ,” said Les Zollbrecht, Portland Adventist Academy’s (PAA’s) new chaplain, at his first Week of Prayer series on campus.

His worship team of students and staff had prepared a week of exciting music, song services, dramas, and fun, titled “Walk the Talk,” with messages that called for full commitment to Christ.

“We all got a spiritual high,” said sophomore Mathew Sexton. Freshman Jessica Hernández affirmed, “I was truly blessed by it.”

At the end of the week came a wonderful surprise: 26 students requested Bible studies and baptism.

“I give students who want to prepare for baptism the materials, and then they give me Bible studies and teach me what they have learned,” says Zollbrecht of his Bible study approach. “People remember and apply more of what they themselves teach.”

During their baptismal classes, students will learn to chain reference their Bibles so they can give a study on any topic they have covered.

Because so many students asked for studies, faculty, staff, and fellow students will help Zollbrecht guide them through God’s Word.

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Featured in: December 2002