Baseball Duo Hits Witnessing Home Runs

Alex and Cory Hutton, two brothers who attend the Puyallup, Wash., Church, are hitting home runs for Jesus as they play baseball.

Both have been involved for several years in Little League—older brother Alex for seven years, starting with T-ball and working his way up to the majors.

Alex, a talented pitcher and first-baseman, loves baseball, but he and his brother never let it come before their love for Jesus.

They have made a commitment to keep the Sabbath, and through the years they have been blessed with understanding coaches.

Some of their coaches have even attempted to schedule no games at all on Saturdays. But if and when an occasional game lands on Saturday, there is no doubt in the boy’s minds where they would rather be that day. The boys miss each year’s draft for teams, because it falls on Saturday, so their names are put in a hat and drawn by possible coaches.

This past season, none of Alex’s games have been scheduled on Saturdays, but he had to miss a tournament game, because it fell on a Sabbath.

The two brothers continue to be an incredible witness for Jesus. •

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Featured in: September 2002
