Theresa L. Tacconelli, Theresa L. Tacconelli Puyallup Church communication leader By Theresa L. Tacconelli, Theresa L. Tacconelli Practically Perfect Puyallup Hosts Marriage Seminar The Puyallup Church recently hosted a marriage seminar with Nancy Van Pelt, popular family life educator."The most rewarding part of my work," Van Pelt says, "is being able to see a couple all the way through from courtship to marriage to being pa... Read more
Practically Perfect Puyallup Hosts Marriage Seminar The Puyallup Church recently hosted a marriage seminar with Nancy Van Pelt, popular family life educator."The most rewarding part of my work," Van Pelt says, "is being able to see a couple all the way through from courtship to marriage to being pa... Read more